
cook out 野餐郊游。


Americans cook out more than twice a week during the summer months , but if you re lifting charred chicken and well - done burgers off the grill , you could be putting your stomach in jeopardy 在夏季,美國人平均每星期吃兩次以上的戶外烤肉。如果你時常享用熏烤的雞肉和漢堡,你的胃將處在高度危險狀態。

I must try my cooking out on someone ; will you be my guinea pig 我必須讓人嘗嘗我做的菜,你愿意做我的試味者嗎?

Now , if that don ' t work , try cook out free food 還有,要是還不行的話就試試免費送一些食品